Spine surgery is serious, and because it’s a serious procedure, it is understandable that it is often approached with trepidation. There are many considerations that patients must think over if they’ve been diagnosed with a condition that requires surgery. For instance, what type of spine surgery is [Read More]
spine injury
Symptoms of a herniated disc
If you are experiencing back pain, especially pain that travels to one or more extremity, you may have a herniated spinal disc. Each one of your spinal discs has a nucleus encased in a tough exterior called the annulus. When the nucleus, which has a jelly-like quality, pushes out through the annulus [Read More]
Bulging Disc vs. Herniated Disc
The spinal column comprises the vertebrae, discs, and spinal cord. Each set of two adjacent vertebrae in the spine have a cushiony disc between them. The disc protects the vertebrae from rubbing against each other when the person bends their torso backward, forward, or to the sides, providing smooth [Read More]