Acute sports injuries are a common occurrence among athletes and weekend warriors due to many reasons, such as a sudden increase in the intensity of a workout, overtraining, or poor form or technique. There are different ways to develop an acute sports injury, which can range from soft tissue [Read More]
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5 Reasons Orthopedics Is Becoming More in Demand
One in every two Americans suffers from a musculoskeletal disorder, or problems with the bones, joints, muscles, tendons, nerves, and ligaments. Disorders of the musculoskeletal system are no laughing matter and can cause lost work time and decreased quality of life. The human body is designed to [Read More]
Foot Pain After Running: When to See a Doctor
Running is an excellent exercise for your cardiovascular health and for keeping your metabolism working at peak levels. However, any sports medicine specialist will tell you that running can take a toll on your feet if you don’t take care of them properly – and this care includes wearing [Read More]